Turn fallen trees into savings: Reduce bushfire risk and save money stockpiling firewood with one simple and easy solution.
Why Do I Need To Clean Up?
3 years after the 2021 storms, the trees that fell then are are now dry, ready to burn hot and long in a bushfire, increasing its intensity, making it harder to extinguish and more destructive.
Cleaning up your bush property, especially removing and cutting up fallen trees, is critical for fire season due to the following reasons:
1. Reduction of Fuel Load
Deadwood and fallen trees provide a significant source of dry, combustible material that can act as fuel for bushfires. When these materials accumulate, they can turn a manageable fire into an uncontrollable one.
By removing this debris, you greatly reduce the amount of fuel available for a fire, lowering the intensity and spread of potential bushfires.
2. Prevention of Fire Spread
Fallen trees can create a continuous path for fires to move quickly through your property. Radiant heat and embers can easily ignite dry branches and logs, especially if they are tightly packed in, causing the fire to spread faster.
Removing these trees disrupts these potential fire paths, giving firefighters and homeowners more time to respond if a fire breaks out.
3. Improving Access for Emergency Services
Large fallen trees can obstruct access routes to your property. In case of a bushfire, blocked paths can prevent firefighters and emergency services from reaching your home or property quickly.
Clearing fallen trees ensures access is maintained for vehicles and personnel in case of an emergency.
4. Protection of Buildings and Assets
Fallen trees near homes or structures can increase the likelihood of fires reaching buildings. Embers from nearby burning logs can be carried by the wind and start fires on roofs or in gutters filled with debris.
Clearing trees and debris away from structures and assets creates a defensible space, making it less likely for fires to reach structures and increasing your property’s chance of survival. Additionally, don't forget the importance of cleaning gutters of leaf litter and taking other measures to prepare your house for bushfire season as well.
5. Reducing Ignition Sources in Association with Reducing Fuel Load - How This Helps During Ember Attacks
One of the most dangerous aspects of bushfires is ember attacks, where small, burning embers travel long distances and ignite new fires far from the fire front. Fallen trees are the perfect obstruction to mowing and other property maintenance which often leaves them covered in dry grasses and weeds, making them a perfect fire starter package with both an ignition source and a large, hot burning fuel load all in one.
Removing these potential sources of ignition and fuel load reduces the risk of secondary fires starting on your property.
Other reasons to clean up your property:
Beyond reducing fire risk, there are several other important reasons to clean up fallen trees on your property:
1. Aesthetic Appeal
Fallen trees and branches can make your property look neglected and unkempt. Regular cleanup improves the visual appeal, making your land look more maintained and attractive and hence more valuable, especially if you're looking to sell or rent out the property.
2. Increased Usable Space
Fallen trees can take up significant portions of your land, preventing you from using that space for other purposes like gardening, recreation, agricultural or construction projects.
Clearing these fallen trees frees up land, allowing you to make better use of your property, whether for farming, landscaping, or outdoor activities.
By having fallen trees processed to firewood, you protect your property, improve its value and aesthetics, and maintain a safe, usable, and pest-free environment. With our service, we allow people to clean up their property for less than the value of the firewood produced... Read More Below.
Don’t have time? Don’t stress, we can help:
Ranges Wood Cutting does two things at once, cheaper than what you’d ordinarily pay for each of them individually.
We take the fallen trees on your property and cut and split them into firewood, with the option to move and stack the wood too. Both cleaning up your property, and providing you firewood, potentially for years to come.
The way we charge is based on the number cubic meters of firewood produced, we charge less for the combined property cleanup and firewood service than what you’d normally pay to get firewood delivered!
What’s even better, you don’t have to do any of the work!
So all in all, you can clean up your property, reduce your fire risk, sort out your firewood for next year, all while saving money in the process and not having to do any of the work yourself. What’s not to love!
It's as simple as this:
Call/Text 0474704615 about the job.
Show us in person which trees you need cleaned up.
We do the work when it works for you.
We'll save you money on firewood, reduce your fire risk, increase your property value and improve its aesthetics.... And you don't have to lift a finger (except to point at the trees).